Our next class at Harvest Bible Training Center begins Tuesday January 24th. It is entitled The Christ. Here is the course description:
The study of Jesus, called the “Christ”, the anointed one. Chosen and foretold by the Father, His coming was the focal point of human history, and His return will change the course of this world. This class will delve into the riches of the scriptures about His foretelling, His arrival, life, death, Resurrection, second coming, and His place as the Head of the Church. We will give special attention to the meaning of Jesus being referred to as “the anointed one” and what it means for us to be anointed with His Spirit.
The class begins Tuesday January 24th and will run for 8 weeks on Tuesday nights. We will meet from 7:00-8:30pm in the fellowship hall. The cost is $30 for one person. $45 per couple. And for families it is +$5 for each additional member. As always, if the cost is a hurdle right now then just let us know.
If you have a medical concern or your schedule prohibits then you can take the class remotely in part or whole, please contact us for details. You can find the schedule and registration forms here.