God desires that His children be loosed from every snare, trap, trick, and hindrance of the devil. And today you can be set free! By Pastor Shawn Lyons.
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Disappointment has a purpose, it is intended to stop, slow, or hinder the people of God from pressing forward to victory. It is time to rise up and stand with God's unfailing strength. By Pastor …
No matter how many times you have fallen, God is calling you to rise back up and push forward to victory. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.
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The enemy will try to use disappointments to discourage us and push us to give up. But when feelings of disappointment come, we can overcome them with faith in God who has the power to …
Our lives are testimonies of God's goodness, here and now. Our stories have the power change people's lives, they reveal God's power and hand at work. By Pastor Chris Ahacic.
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Negative thinking will produce negative results, but Godly thinking can change our lives and world. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.
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Faith doesn't just survive the storm; it steps out to obey God in spite of the storm. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.
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The eyes of the Lord look across the whole earth, looking to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are loyal and steadfast towards Him. He is with those who take a stand …
God has not called us to be sunk by the storms of life, but to rise above them, while growing and being perfected in the process. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.
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God desires for His people to put off every snare and hinderance and press into Him, to allow the power of His Spirit to flow in our lives and churches. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.
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God desires us to be motivated by love, joy, peace, righteousness, and His Kingdom. But if something wrong drives us, it can cause the pursuit of even good things to become harmful to us. By …
There is no darkness that can undo the light, no lie that can undo the truth, and no sin that can undo the forgiveness of God. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.
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